There are a number of helper functions and classes available to provide useful functions for interacting with the IoT Bridge, decoding and encoding data, and converting different formats.
The following functions can be used to enable a trigger to make API calls to the IoT Bridge HTTPS API to enable automation of key onboarding tasks with triggers. Refer to the API documentation for details about specific API calls.
Triggers using the
functions operate as administrators within your account, care should be taken to ensure that you do not damage the data in your account.
// list all services and print the service names
var rsp = api.get('/api/v1/service')
if(rsp.status==200) {
rsp.body.forEach(function(svc) {
log.trace('service: ' +
// list all services whose name includes "mqtt"
var rsp = api.get('/api/v1/service',{search: 'name==contains("mqtt")'})
if(rsp.status==200) {
rsp.body.forEach(function(svc) {
log.trace('service: ' +
// create a new instance of the cron service
var rsp ='/api/v1/service',nil, {
name: 'myservice',
key: 'myservice',
modelId: '81f12e7e5e3fe2ad1d04bf17',
params: {
enabled: true,
cron: '0 * * * *'
// delete a service
var rsp = api.delete('/api/v1/service/'+'81f12e7e5e3fe2ad1d04bf17')
These functions are intended to expose the API for provisioning and commissioning use cases, the intent is not to use these functions "every time a device reports", if such a use case exists, please open a support ticket to find alternative designs.
The following functions assist with converting string representations of binary data to byte arrays for easy manipulation in the trigger.
// convert base64 endocded string to byte[]
var bytes = convert.b64ToBin('aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=')
// convert byte[] to base64 encoded string
var str = convert.binToB64([0x01, 0x02, 0x03])
// convert base64 encoded string to hex encoded string
var hex = convert.b64ToHex('aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=')
// convert hex encoded string to base64 encoded string
var b64 = convert.hexToB64('010203')
// convert hex encoded string to byte[]
var bytes = convert.hexToBin('010203')
// convert byte[] to hex encoded string
var str = convert.binToHex([0x01, 0x02, 0x03])
// convert CBOR byte[] to javascript objects
var obj = convert.cborToObject( [0x84, 0x18, 0xFB, 0x19, 0x01 0x07, 0x19, 0x01, 0x03, 0x19, 0x01, 0x05])
// obj will be [251, 263, 259, 261]
There are two readers available for processing binary payloads, a byteReader and a bitReader. As their names imply, the bitReader is designed for complex bit-packed payloads where data is packed at arbitrary bit offsets within a byte array. The byteReader is designed for byte-oriented data frames where all fields are aligned on a byte boundary. While there is an overlap in functionality, the byteReader has significantly faster performance since it operates only at the byte level, so it should be used if all data fields align on byte boundaries.
The byte reader allows for rapid decoding of binary data that is generally byte-aligned. The binary reader support "streaming" style parsing, where reads begin at offset 0 in the buffer, and each read increments the current value in the stream.
method allows skipping ahead (positive value) or backwards (negative value) in the
method allows changing the location of the cursor in the stream.skip()
, seek()
, big()
, and little()
methods support chaining so they can be combined with read method calls.status()
method returns the index, length, and buffer for the reader. Note the buffer is an array of bytes, but when printed in logs may be base64 encoded.// create a new byte reader assuming little endian byte ordering (default is big).
var reader = convert.binReader(, {endian: 'little'})
// read an unsigned 8, 16, or 32 bit integer
var num = reader.readUint8()
var num = reader.readUint16()
var num = reader.readUint32()
// read a signed 8, 16, or 32 bit integer
var num = reader.readInt8()
var num = reader.readInt16()
var num = reader.readInt32()
// read a 32 or 64 bit floating value
var f = reader.readFloat32()
var f = reader.readFloat64()
// read a 10 byte string
var s = reader.readString(10)
// read a string until the end of the buffer
var s = reader.readString(-1)
// read 10 bytes, and format the output as a hex encoded string
var s = reader.readBytes(10, 'hex')
// read 10 bytes, and format the output as a base64 encoded string
var s = reader.readBytes(10, 'base64')
// read 10 bytes, and output the bytes as an array of bytes
var arr = reader.readBytes(10, 'binary')
var arr = reader.readBytes(10)
// skip 1 byte and advance the cursor
// skip 1 byte, and read a 1 byte integer in a single statement
var num = reader.skip(1).readInt8()
// read a 4 byte value as bytes, then skip backwards and re-read it as a number.
// bytes = reader.readBytes(4)
// asNum = reader.skip(-4).readInt32()
// reset the reader to the first byte in the buffer to re-read it
// get the status of the read buffer
var st = reader.status()
st = { index: 17, length: 25, buffer: [0x01, 0x02...]}
// set the reader into little endian mode
// set the reader into big endian mode
The bit reader allows for rapid decoding of binary data that is generally bit-aligned. The bit reader support "streaming" style parsing, where reads begin at offset 0 in the buffer, and each read increments the current value in the stream.
method allows skipping ahead (positive value) or backwards (negative value) in the
method allows changing the location of the cursor in the stream.ignoreIf()
method allows for dynamic ignoring of subsequent parser calls for data streams with dynamic contents.skip()
, seek()
, big()
, and little()
methods support chaining so they can be combined with read method calls.status()
method returns the index, length, and buffer for the reader. Note the buffer is an array of bytes, but when printed in logs may be base64 encoded.// create a new bit reader assuming little endian byte ordering (default is big).
var reader = convert.bitReader(, {endian: 'little'})
// readInt(bits) reads the number of bits as a signed integer
var num = reader.readInt(4)
var num = reader.readInt(8)
// readUint(bits) reads the number of bits as an unsigned integer
var num = reader.readUint(4)
var num = reader.readUint(8)
// readBool() reads the next bit as a boolean value
var bool = reader.readBool()
// readString(bits) reads the number of bits as a string, must be a multiple of 8
var str = reader.readString(64)
// readBits(bits, format) reads the number of bits, and formats the bit array in different ways
var bytes = reader.readBits(9, 'binary') // reads the bits and returns a byte array
var hex = reader.readBits(9, 'hex') // reads the bits and returned a hex encoded string
var base64 = reader.readBits(9, 'base64') // reads the bits and returns a base64 encoded string
// skip 1 bit and advance the cursor
// skip 1 bit, and read a 1 byte integer in a single statement
var num = reader.skip(1).readInt(8)
// read a 4 bit value as bytes, then skip backwards and re-read it as a number.
// bytes = reader.readBits(4, 'binary')
// asNum = reader.skip(-4).readInt(4)
// reset the reader to the first bit in the buffer to re-read it
// get the status of the read buffer, the indicies are the bit numbers.
var st = reader.status()
st = { index: 17, length: 25, buffer: [0x01, 0x02...]}
// ignoreIf(check, ignoreNext) check is a boolean input, if true, then the next 'ignoreNext' reader methods will be ignored.
// Useful for dynamic parsing of data if the values indicate that data is present or not.
// set the reader into little endian mode
// set the reader into big endian mode
The following functions provide encoding and decoding of Google Protobuf buffers.
Before you can encode or decode protobuf messages, you need to upload your .proto files to the IoT Bridge. You will find the definitions by navigating to Advanced -> Protobuf Definitions.
// convert a binary protobuf message (in 'bytes' variable) to an object
var obj = convert.protobufToObject(bytes, 'ProtoMeasurements')
// convert an object to a binary message
var bytes = convert.objectToProtobuf({serialNum:[0x01, 0x02], ,,,})
The following functions provide access to a high-speed in-memory cache for storing information between requests. The maximum lifetime of a record in the cache is 86400 seconds (1 day).
// set an item in the cache with 1 hour TTL
cache.set('mykey', 'myvalue', 3600)
// get an item from the cache
var value = cache.get('mykey')
// check if the item was returned
if(value) {
//process data
// delete an item from the cache
The date class enables quick parsing and formatting of timestamps, this is particularly useful when processing data from different services that report time in non-standard formats.
The reference time used in the format is the specific time:
Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 MST 2006
which is Unix time 1136239445. Since MST is GMT-0700, the reference time can be thought of as
01/02 03:04:05PM '06 -0700
To define your own format, write down what the reference time would look like formatted your way. The model is to demonstrate what the reference time looks like so that the Format and Parse methods can apply the same transformation to a general time value.
Within the format string, an underscore _ represents a space that may be replaced by a digit if the following number (a day) has two digits; for compatibility with fixed-width Unix time formats.
A decimal point followed by one or more zeros represents a fractional second, printed to the given number of decimal places. A decimal point followed by one or more nines represents a fractional second, printed to the given number of decimal places, with trailing zeros removed. When parsing (only), the input may contain a fractional second field immediately after the seconds field, even if the layout does not signify its presence. In that case a decimal point followed by a maximal series of digits is parsed as a fractional second.
The underlying functionality comes from Golang's time.Parse() and time.Format() commands, and detailed documentation can be found here:
Several pre-defined formats are available:
// parse a timestamp string into a Date() object
var d = date.parse('2021/01/30 12:54:22', '2006/01/02 15:04:05')
// format a Date() object according to the rfc1123 format
var str = date.format(d, 'rfc1123')
// format a Date() object according to rfc3339 and shift it to the appropriate timezone. Assumes "d" is in UTC.
var str = date.format(d, 'rfc3339', 'America/New_York')
// convert a timestamp in one format to another format in one function
// destTimestamp = date.convert( sourceTimestamp, sourceFormat, destFormat)
var str = date.convert('2021/01/30 12:54:22', '2006/01/02 15:04:05', 'rfc3339')
Simple emails can be sent from the platform, this is intended for monitoring and alerting, not for "end customer" communications. All emails are branded for the platform and sent from the platform's email address.
var obj = {
to: [''],
subject: 'My subject',
title: 'My title',
message: 'Here is the message to send, it can contain template {{.Params.Value}} params.',
params: {
Value: 'my value'
tables: [{
title: 'my table',
headers: [ 'col1', 'col2', 'col3'],
columns: [ 'c1', 'c2', 'c3'],
rows: [
{ c1: 'abc', c2: 'def', c3: 123},
{ c1: 'xyz', c2: 'pqr', c3: 456}
The templating allows for substituting values at runtime instead of building a large string in a trigger and sending directly. Below are the variable available in the template:
Update an endpoint based on dynamic data.
Create an endpoint, returns null on success, or a string with the error on failure.
// create an endpoint if it doesn't exist, and assign a tag 'new' to 'true'
var rslt = endpoint.create('myservicekey', 'myendpointkey', { user: 'user1', pass: 'pass1'}, {new: 'true'})
if(rslt==null) {
} else {
log.trace('failure: '+rslt)
Update an endpoint, returns null on success, or a string with the error on failure.
// update the configuration of an endpoint, the following fields can be updated:
// name, key, secondsBeforeMissing, params.{paramName}
endpoint.update('myendpointkey', { name: 'new name', params: { timeout: 30 } })
// update an endpoint with a statusDetails 'iccid' field with the ICCID of the endpoint.
endpoint.update('myendpointkey', { statusDetails: { iccid: '8901393541912401' } })
method.Update the tags on an endpoint. Note that updates do not take effect immediately.
// update tags, by adding/removing tags from an endpoint
endpoint.updateTags('myendpointkey', {'newtag':'value123'})
// remove tag 'newtag' from the defined endpoint
endpoint.updateTags('myendpointkey', null, ['newtag'])
Delete an endpoint, returns null on success, or a string with the error on failure.
Find a single endpoint and return it. This function always returns an object, and will have an error field with any failure during the request.
var rslt = endpoint.searchOne('key=="mykey"')
if(rslt.error) {
// failed
} else {
// process here
Search endpoints and call the callback for each endpoint found. Returns null on success, or a string with the error on failure.'status==connected && tags.server==production', function(ep) {
log.trace('found ' +
Get an endpoint storage object. Throws an exception if the object doesn't exist.
// get an endpoint storeage object
try {
var obj = endpoint.storageGet('myendpointkey', 'mystoragekey')
} catch(e) {
log.trace('failed: '+e)
Set an endpoint storage object. Throws an exception if there is an error.
// store an endpoint storeage object
try {
endpoint.storageSet('myendpointkey', 'mystoragekey', {field1: 'abc', field2: 'def'})
} catch(e) {
log.trace('failed: '+e)
Delete an endpoint storage object from an endpoint. Returns silently if the storageKey does not exist.
// get an endpoint storeage object
try {
endpoint.storageDelete('myendpointkey', 'mystoragekey')
} catch(e) {
log.trace('failed: '+e)
Functions for generating events to propogate data to a pipeline of triggers. Sometimes you don't want to process all of your data in a single trigger, or you may wish to have multiple devices process data in a common way, the exec functions can help in this regard.
and endpoint
values from the calling trigger, this allows you to easily access the metadata from the event.Asynchronously execute a generic event. The calling trigger does not get any feedback regarding the execution.
// generate a "generic" event called "myevent" with data.'myevent', {deviceId: 'mydevice', temp: 35.2})
// generate an event, and override the endpoint to a new endpoint. This is useful when the source event does not have an endpoint, and the endpoint key is derived when decoding the data.'myevent', {deviceId: 'mydevice', temp: 35.2}, {endpointkey:'mydevice'})
variable in the new event.endpoint.update()
.Synchronously execute a generic event and wait for the reply. Note that exec.sync()
does not support cross-organization calls.
// make a synchronous call to another trigger
// calling trigger
var ret = exec.sync('myfn', {input:'data'})
log.trace('data returned', ret.returndata)
// call a synchronous function with a 45000 millisecond timeout
var ret = exec.sync('myfn', {input:'data'}, 45000)
log.trace('data returned', ret.returndata)
// the trigger that implements the event with event type "Generic" and key "myfn" must call "trigger.reply()" to send the reply back to the calling trigger.
trigger.reply({returndata:'my return data'})
variable in the new event.Helper functions for geospatial operations
// generate a geohash based on latitude and longitude
var geohash = geospatial.geohash(45.123,-80.1234)
// calculate the 2D distance between two coordinates
var dist = geospatial.geodist(45.123,-80.1234, 45.353,-80.220)
Generate hashes from variables
// generate an IEEE CRC32 hash, result will be an unsigned 32 bit integer
var sum = hash.crc32([0x01, 0x53, 0x22])
// generate an ISO CRC64 hash, return will be an unisgned 64 bit integer
var sum = hash.crc64('my string value')
// generate an ISO CRC64 hash, return will be a SIGNED 64 bit integer.
// objects will be formatted as JSON prior to hashing, note that the order of parameters may change, which could result in hashes of the same object being different.
var sum = hash.crc64signed({a: 123, b: 'def'})
// generate a SHA256 32 byte hash of the data. Result will be a hex encoded string.
var sum = hash.sha256({a: 123, b: 'def'})
Find records in the Event History. For example, if you receive an "ignition off" event, you can lookup the previous "ignition on" event to calculate the duration the ignition was on.
// The parameters define how to find a record, returns null if not found.
var rec =
//, callback) Search is a valid search string (that can be used in the Event viewer), and the callback is called for each matching event.
function mycallback(evt) {
log.trace('event', evt)
}'type=="udp-receive"', mycallback)
Helper functions for dealing with JSON objects
// generate a JSON-Patch ( document by comparing two objects
var patch = json.patchCreate(oldJson,newJson)
// apply a JSON-Patch to a JSON document
var newJson = json.patchApply(oldJson, patch)
Log custom messages to your account's system log. Log functions accept two parameters, the first is the log message, and the second is any variable that will be shown in the drop-down expander in the log viewer.
// log at trace level
log.trace('hello world')
// log at user level
log.user('hello world')
// log at warning level
log.warn('danger ahead')
// logging with a data object attached
log.trace('my data',
Various helper functions for networking
// network.isIpInCidrs(addr,cidrs)check if an address is within a group of CIDRs, useful for whitelisting IP addresses.
var isInside = network.isIpInCidrs('',[''])
Functions for a simple FIFO queue.
event mode
, when enabled, queue-activity
events will be generated when items are put in the queue. Triggers that process these events must use trigger.reply({})
to acknowledge processing the event.// put an item in the queue
// get an item from the queue (returns null if the queue is empty)
var obj = queue.get('myqueue')
if(obj) {
// queue had a record
} else {
// queue was empty
// flush all items off of the queue
// put an item on the queue and generate a "queue-activity" event.
queue.put('myqueue',{value:'mykey'}, {event: true})
Functions to generate random data.
// random.string(length) Generate a string of <length> bytes.
var str = random.string(10)
// random.hex(length) Generate a random hex string (0-9a-f) of <length> bytes.
var str = random.hex(8)
// random.integer(min,max) Generate a random integer in the range of [min, max).
var num = random.integer(10,15)
// random.double(min,max) Generate a random floating point number between [min, max).
var num = random.double(15.5,27.55)
Functions that operate on strings
// parses a delimited string into an object
// sample: 3520091122891516,302,220,2d83,358070A,100,20200101033448
// sample output: { key: '3520091122891516', net: {mcc: '302', mnc: '220', lac: '2d83', cellId: '358070A', battery: 100, timestamp: '2020-01-01T03:34:48Z'}
, float
, string
, bool
, timestamp
Functions for manipulating triggers.
You can set the event type of a trigger to Library
, this makes it available to be included in other scripts. Common use cases:
// import a library tigger into another trigger
// assumes you have a library trigger with name 'mylibrary'
Some trigger events expect a reply (for example http.get) to return content to the event generator, to reply you can use the trigger.reply() function.
// some events require or can optionally accept a reply from the trigger. NOTE that trigger.reply() stops execution of the trigger.
trigger.reply({reply data})
Asynchronous triggers can wait for a signal (a unique string), and other triggers can signal the waiting trigger by calling trigger.signal(). A data object can be passed between the triggers enabling advanced synchronization tasks.
will only release the wait()
one time.signal()
can be called before wait()
, if called before the wait()
, the wait()
will simply "fall-through" without blocking.waitReset()
can be called to clear any existing signals on a key before calling wait()
. You should only call waitReset()
before you initiate the asynchronous request to ensure any signal()
calls do not get lost.random.string(8)
or similar to generate a key with uniqueness for the operation.// signal a waiting trigger
trigger.signal('mysignal', {key: "value"})
// wait for a signal for a number of seconds, it returns an object
var sig = trigger.wait('mysignal', 5)
Users can rate limit certain operations to ensure that duplicates are not processed, or multiple commands aren't sent to a device at the same time. There are many use cases for rate limiting.
// check a rate limit against 'mykey' with a count of 1, a limit of 1, and a time period of 30 seconds. Returns false if rate limited.
// Effectively allows execution once every 30 seconds.
if (!trigger.ratelimit('mykey', 1,1, 30)) {
// Effectively allows execution 10 times per minute.
if (!trigger.ratelimit('mykey', 1,10, 60)) {
// Per-endpoint limiting example
if (!trigger.ratelimit(event.endpoint.key+'sms', 1,10, 60)) {